Ghost on Linux

The pre-configured Linux+Ghost droplet is a good example of a modern stack that starts with Linux and uses NGNIX for endpoint routing, certbot for SSL Certification and  MySQL for data storage.

After a few guided steps, the Ghost platform is ready and publications may be created by: ghost-mgr@yourhost> ghost install

From there you will administrate your Ghost publication as a staff member via: https://publication-name.your-site-name/ghost

Creating a droplet

Start by creating a droplet via the control panel. You can do all of this via the command line, too, see doctl for more information.

Under Droplets, select a Ghost image under the Marketplace domain – a basic 5/mo server is fine.

The image comes provisioned with MySQL, Node.js, Certbot and a user called ghost-mgr which owns the ghost node.js server process and files found in /var/www/ghost.

Choose a plan:

Choose a data center region:

Virtual Private Cloud

Virtual private clouds use private IP addresses, default is fine, click the link for more info.

Virtual private clouds provide security and intra-net development and API orchestration

Select Public SSH key

You must select one or more keys from team's key collection, see here to learn more. The keys you select will be placed in /root/.ssh/authorized_hosts and this enables logging in as root for the first time.

Log in for the first time

You should now be able to login as root on your new droplet and then su to ghost-mgr. See Getting Started after Deploying Ghost for more info.

First login to Ghost droplet

Next steps

Now it's time to create a Ghost site on the newly installed Ghost system. See Ghost Development docs.

Written by:

Mike Ricos

Mike Ricos

distributed systems
Building biological data networks.