Linux kernel tuning


/etc/sysctl.conf is a text file containing sysctl values to be read in and set by sysctl at boot time. To load: system -p from files found under the /etc/sysctl.d directory that end with .conf are parsed within sysctl at boot time. To view current values: sysctl -a.  


See GlusterFS Linux tuning notes on vm.swappiness (kernel parameter that controls how much the kernel favors swap over RAM) and vm.vfs_cache_pressure (tendency of the kernel to reclaim the memory which is used for caching of directory and inode objects).


/proc is very special in that it is also a virtual filesystem. 'lsmod' is the same as 'cat /proc/modules' while 'lspci' is a synonym for 'cat /proc/pci'. By altering files located in this directory you can read/change kernel parameters (sysctl) while the system is running. - From Linux Documentation Project

Written by:

Mike Ricos

Mike Ricos

distributed systems
Building biological data networks.